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Housing Authority Minutes02/08/2011

The regular meeting of the LHA was held on Tuesday Feb.  8, 2011 at 3:00 PM at Turnure Terrace.
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nasman at 3:00 PM.
  • Roll Call:              Present – Cindy Nasman, Chairman
   Catherine May, Vice Chairman/State Appointee
   Tess Sorrentino, Treasurer
   Marge Pero, Member
   Martha Joyner, Exec. Dir.  
    Others:  tenant                                     Absent – Jan Ward

  • Tenant Forum
No topic requests for agenda.  
  • Minutes/Jan. regular meeting.
Cathie made a motion to accept, Tess seconded, all in attendance voted in favor. Minutes will be forwarded to the town web site.  
  • Accounts payable/Jan.
Accounts payable for Jan. were approved.  Dec. account reconciliation distributed, no subsidy earned as of this date, 4001 bal. approximately $26,000, no 689 MMA transfer to 4001, as of 1/31/11 Curtis porch fund balance $1460.41.  On 2/2 a $940 transfer to 4001 was made and today a $100 donation from Fenton, Ewald, & Assoc. was received.
  • Project updates
Curtis porch corner – Exec. Dir. reported the column shafts were shipped but were the wrong size. Company will take them back and send correct ones asap.  The West St. bathroom repairs will be started 2/10.  Cost will depend on the extent of the rot found.
  • Vacancies
As of 2/1/11 Curtis – 1, TT – 1, Families –0.
  • CPA
The Exec. Dir. will present the porch restoration application on 2/28 at 7 PM.   
  • Old Business
A tentative date of April 28 was agreed upon for an open house between 4:30 and
6:00 PM at the Curtis.  Invitations will go out to town boards, area churches, pharmacies, Rep. Pignatelli, Sen. Downing, all tenants, and former board members.  Exec. Dir. will find out how to post this on town calendar. Cathie presented board with a rough draft for a brochure, Exec. Dir. will contact K. Romeo at school about possibility of a class project to produce it with pictures.  A “Dine to Donate” night on 4/29 will be discussed further at the March meeting.
  • New Business
The annual Town of Lenox report was submitted.  Copies were forwarded to DHCD and the State Auditor’s office as required.  Exec. Dir. read the email she had sent on 12/20/10 to DHCD regarding the Lead Paint Legal Compliance, it was noted that to date no response has been received. The board agreed that asking them to certify compliance is out of their jurisdiction as board members as it would require them to be involved with the day to day operations.  Tess stated she would be more willing to sign the compliance request after an audit was performed by DHCD to ensure correct process is being followed.  Deadline for compliance is 3/31/11.

Exec. Dir. read the letter(not dated)that she received  from K. Graham, Director of Lenox Community Center.  Exec. Dir. has decided after much consideration that she will not respond.  The board discussed the content and response.   The board welcomes discussion between town entities.  The public may contact the Exec. Dir. with questions or concerns at any time.   The letter will be kept in town correspondence file.     

C. Nasman adjourned the meeting at 4:45 PM, all members in attendance voted in favor.  Cindy stated the next regular meeting will be Mar.1, 2011.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Joyner, Secretary to the Board
Executive Director                                    
